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Hey welcome back!

Hope your day is going well.

I wanted to give a quick follow up from my last post by going into a little more detail of what the daily life as been like here in San Pedro Las Huertas/Antigua, Guatemala. It’s defiantly been an honor and blessing partnering with and walking along side our hosts as they have welcomed us well into their daily lives.

So, here’s what life has been like so far.

Hope you take interest and enjoy!

I guess the best way to break it down is to give a day to day glimpse into everything. So, let’s look at…



Sabbath. Simple enough. Mondays have been our teams designated day for rest, and practically nothingness. (Side Note: Sabbath is technically a day set a side made holy unto the Lord pressing into Him more than you normally would. It’s also one of the 10 commandments so resting is essentially important enough to be implemented within our daily lives that God actually commands us to do so. I may go into more details with that on another day. Back to the schedule.) It’s also our hosts designated day of rest as well so we just followed with what their schedule looks like to make everything go more smoothly.


This day is VBS for the kids in the morning lasting until about lunch time then we have space for lunch for a couple hours afterward. Currently our ladies started hosting a woman’s event known as “Beauty for Ashes” for the local women within the community last Tuesday. Tomorrow and next Tuesday will be the last two events that begin in the evening for a couple hours. Cool story on how that took place. God basically placed it on one of our teammates heart to do this and she obediently said yes while having the support of the rest of the ladies on our team as well as the host and a couple local ladies to put it together. In return the Holy Spirit has been showing up big time for these women by revealing their worth and value and how much the Father loves them. If you want more details on this event and how it’s going check out my teammates blog ( to see more into her heart and vision behind it. She can defiantly articulate it better than me. She’ll be posting an update on it soon so stay tuned for that. I’ve been helping out with childcare while the event takes place so the mom’s can have that space to be loved by the Father in ways that’s mostly foreign to them. That’s mainly Tuesday and everything between lunch and the event is prepping for the event.


We wake up early to go to the church for intercession prayer praying over the community, individuals and anything else that is placed upon our hearts. This last for a few hours and is defiantly a sweet time to rest in the Spirit and meet God in a quiet space. The rest of the day is lunch and whatever projects we have planned and laid out for the day. Working on a park by cleaning it and making it usable so the kids have a place to play besides the street. House visits where we go into some peoples homes to mainly pray for whatever needs they have and whatever else our host has for us.


These days are our market days. Where we go into the market and basically stock up on food and whatever else we need. This is the main day, outside of sabbath, where we go into the city. Then we break for lunch and take care of whatever else we need to take care of role wise like logistical stuff, treasury stuff etc. before we head out to worship room for the evening.

Now worship room is amazing and one of my favorite things here. It’s a space open for everybody regardless of your background, denomination, belief etc. It’s simply a place to freely worship for a couple hours and just have a sweet intimate moment with the Father. I’ve had many joyful and wrestling moments with God while being here along with meeting and having great conversations with different people from different ministries and locals. Worship Room is truly a blessing and moment I look forward to every week. This guy and his brother have opened up their farm/garden space allowing us to host and have this event. I love it! Check it out here! Also checkout Eco Farms the place that hosts worship room.



The second day of VBS in the morning followed by lunch then time of ministry opportunities ranging from stuff at home, house visits, projects etc.


This day is bible school for the youth from toddlers to middle school age. Then in the evening is Jovenes, a teenage to young adult ministry. So this day is basically teachings all day for the youth.


The morning and afternoon are ministry/adventure moments ranging from spending quality time with our hosts to learning how to make tortillas from one of our kids mom, to exploring more of our surrounding area. Then church is in the evening. Church in our little space is special. It’s small, quaint, and mixed mainly with kids to young adults, dogs and some adults. There’s no telling who will join us but that’s the beauty of it. We’re practically always doing youth ministry since not many adults are engaged in our area but that defiantly has began to grow a lot since being here.

This is just a rough glimpse into what are days look like. The schedule doesn’t always flow like this and actually it’s constantly changing everyday because God has other plans. Even so we adapt and keep moving forward doing our best to be sensitive to the move of the Holy Spirit creating space to move freely to His will and what He needs us to do in the moment. So, there’s a lot that goes on in between the free space. Rest, catch up on things, cleaning, fellowship, team time, spending quality time with our host, adventures, projects, being invited to someones birthday party, miracles etc.

Life is ministry; ministry is life.

It’s the same thing here as it is back at home. People are people trying their best to live and make the most of everyday and what life throws at them. Some people know and rely upon God others don’t and live according to their own will and power. In the midst of everything we do we try our best to be sensitive to what God wants to do and who He wants us to talk to. Miracles can happen anywhere at anytime we just have to always be in a state of spiritual awareness. Seeing how God sees. Feeling how He feels. Having the heart of the Father. In the midst of the day to day we try to find God and partner with Him. Do we get it every time? Of course not. Some days we witness something great other days we miss it. But we keep moving forward eagerly waiting and seeking the Father. Where He is at and what He is doing. He’s always moving and speaking. But are we always seeking and listening?

I’ll end with this.

While being here and having house visits two miracles have happened thus far. One man had circulation issues throughout his limbs and was basically bedridden unable to move much due to little to no feeling in is body. We get the notice while getting family information and shoe sizes and head to his home. We get there, get the story on what’s been going on then we begin to pray. Our host knows one main thing that works. Pray and your healed. God moves. So, while praying over this man God moved and made the dormant circulation in his limbs to begin circulating again. Two days later we find out he’s out walking around like nothing was wrong. Wow. Still processing that. Let’s go God!

Secondly, we got word one of the little girls that usually attends our VBS and bible school couldn’t come due to having frequent convulsions throughout the day preventing her from going. The family practically has sacrificed a lot to just stay and tend to her since this happened on a normal basis. So, we come, we pray and as our host holds and prays over this little girl he feels a soft spot on her head begin to harden to a normal state and said that God has given her a great gift of being healed at that moment. Her birthday present, which is coming up soon, from God was healing her of this torment. No follow up details on her yet since this was a couple days ago but still. God is moving majorly here in the blessing, which is the actual name of this small little neighborhood. Praise the Lord! It truly does live up to it’s name.

I tried not to shorthand or gloss over anything there’s just a lot going on and these days have begun to run into each other. So, that’s about it so far. I got more coming slowly but surely so hang tight. If you have any questions let me know I’ll love to answer them the best way possible especially if there’s anything I didn’t cover or if you want more insight I’d love to talk about it. Till next time. Be blessed! Peace.

Also I got about $2,900 left to be fully funded thru May. So, if you feel lead or want to help with fundraising then just click the donate button on my blog page! Anything helps and is appreciated. Thank you to everyone who has helped out so far! Let’s continue pressing onward faithfully ushering in and representing the Kingdom of Heaven everywhere we go.

“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.”

Ephesians 5:1&2

3 responses to “The day in the life of…”

  1. Son, thank you for sharing. Your dad and I are so proud of you and what you have accomplished. I love hearing about what God is doing through you and your team/squad. Every day miracles are preformed but to actually witness God’s miracles that you rarely or never seen for yourselves is Blessings you want forget. My heart is full knowing that you are getting to experience these moments in your life. May God keep y’all safe, healthy and bless y’all beyond .
    I love you,

  2. Wow Scottie! This was a really fun one for me to read- hearing the week from your perspective and seeing visuals of the team moving on mission! We are strong and mighty and you are a bit part of that. Thanks for this thorough look at life here. BTW- I want those pics! How cool! Love you!