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Our Father in heaven,

Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Matthew 6:9-13

The church. Better yet the Body of Christ. What exactly is the church, the supposed representation of Jesus, suppose to look like? Well, allow me to just give you a sneak peak into our day to day life while here in Guatemala thus far.

Words can’t truly grasp the depth of awe, inspiration and conviction while walking and living life with our wonderful host as my team, Team M.O.M., nestled into their daily rhythm of life. More info and details on them later. I intentionally and unintentionally haven’t been keeping up to date with everything lately and I both apologize yet don’t apologize. Coming into this fresh reboot and graceful second opportunity to finish what was started, I wanted to be more present and intentional with my time, space and relationships. Creating a healthy rhythm and pace before finally inviting you all into it to share the fruits of what God’s been up to here.

After what happened last year I didn’t want to take for granted again the precious time, in which, is not promised. Intentionally making the most of every situation even writing this at 12am so you can read it in the morning to start your day off with fresh content that I hope most of you have been anticipating.

So, for the first few weeks I’ve invested into many relationships both within my team and the community and it has been so sweet and fruitful. I now have a solid amount of content to begin sharing with you all what exactly has been going on here in Guatemala, within the community of San Pedro Las Huertas, the blessing, as well as my very amazing, quirky, yet powerful team. So, I simply ask that you be patient with me for I shall be bringing you quality content starting with this video below in which I’ve been working on the past two weeks so you can see thru our and God’s perspective a smidge of what life looks like where we’re at.

I’ll give a more detailed breakdown of what that looks like following this but wanted to treat you for being so patient, loving and supportive for allowing me to be here and embarking once again on this journey God has called, not just me, but all of you on. For this is our journey not just mine because we are the body united as one with Christ as the head. I’m simply the feet running the race reaching and investing in those around me as you invest in me to be faithful in such and to steward this time and opportunity well. So, thank you for everything I’m truly grateful!

Without further a do please enjoy this video that’s been promised for a while made specifically for you. I love you. Be blessed.

4 responses to “Kingdom Perspective Pt.1: Guatemala”

  1. Oh my gosh! I absolutely love the video. I understand you taking the time with your team and people that you’re surrounded with spreading God’s love and His Word. But I am excited to hear how God is moving and what y’all are doing. Staying tuned and waiting on part 2??. God bless

  2. Scotty, God us moving in the people of Guatamala and in you! Great job on showing us a glimpse of your time. Proud of you and praying for your final weeks with these precious people!

  3. Great video! I love it!! You all look like you are enjoying your time and loving on a lot of people. God is moving through you! Thank you for sharing!