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Thoughts & Inspiration

   Hey everyone and thank you once again for taking the time to read my thoughts and see what God has been up to lately. So, with further-a-do.

   Discipline. A word not many of us are fond of, especially myself, since it can sound negative but in reality it’s actually positive and very beneficial. Not only does God speak about discipline multiple times throughout scripture He also emphasizes on the importance of it.

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”Hebrews 12:11

“My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.”Proverbs 3: 11&12

   As you can see it helps us grow and mature into the men and women that we’re meant to be for the greater purposes of His kingdom and simply greater versions of ourselves. That’s the promise but the struggle is actually persevering through the discipline. Trust me I’m not the greatest at this, in truth I actually suck at this. Ya I’ll get a good start about a week or two, maybe, then I begin to get distracted again. Then I get complacent then somewhat lazy so on and so forth then all of a sudden the momentum for that workout plan doesn’t exist anymore. Surely some of you can relate in some aspect of this wonderful life of ours. lol

   But, at the end of the day it’s okay. That’s where grace comes into play so try not to beat yourself up too bad, but at the same time, like I stated, discipline is necessary. Because the end results are so worth it “…it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” So, if I want a glorious body like Leonidas of 300 then I got to put the consistent work and effort in. Likewise in all aspect of our lives especially when raising funds for this exciting trip!

   So, all in all what I’m trying to get at, speaking to myself as well, is don’t give up. Even when you fail and the motivation isn’t there anymore getting back into the routine of binge watching Netflix or something else that’s not as productive. Fight for it! Get back up! Find some means to stay motivated and know that Gods got you but we have a part to play as well. It’s intimidating with actual work to do but you got this. Focus on the promise, the image you have in your mind of what you thrive to achieve and don’t relent.

   Anyway this is more of an attempt to encourage who ever reads this to keep moving forward and to remind you that God is you strength and refuge through it all. Even when you don’t want to and just want to tap out because honestly I get it, I need this boost just as much. So, let’s do our best to stay motivated with the least amount of distractions and the most amount of focused dedication of the promised truths at hand. It is a struggle even when being around other people to help keep the drive fresh and alive but we got this because Hes’ got us. So let’s help each other out. We all need some sort of motivation and support.

   Hope this helps. Be blessed and I hope that God shows out big time once we persevere cheerfully and thankfully thru the necessary discipline at hand so we can grow into better versions of ourselves! Love you all. Peace.

   Now let’s get that level up! In the name of Jesus!

   Oh and if you need a pretty good pick me up song I recommend Get Back Up by Emarosa. Helps me keep perspective sometimes!.