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Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to visit my profile and to get to know me a little bit. My name is Scott Tinsley (obviously) I’m 28 I enjoy outdoor activities, reading, movies, games, random adventures, etc. I do have a heart for people to live out their true potential and calling in life for God so I do my best to help shed light on that and manifest it into reality. So further-a-do this is my story.


I grew up in a loving household where I have more positive things to say about my parents than I do negative. I’m an only child who has a couple siblings who never had the chance to experience the splendor of life waiting for me once I finish the journey God has placed before me.


When I was nine years old I chose and acknowledged Jesus to be apart of my life during a church camp I attended that summer. I don’t recall what the pastor was specifically talking about but what I do remember is this strong pull within me to walk over to my pastor at the time to help guide me in the process of receiving Jesus. Terrified and confused as I was deep down I just knew that that’s what I needed to do. So, after bravely getting up in front of a lot of people, in which was intimidating alone for me, I chose Jesus that evening and little did I know that that one small terrifying and intimidating bold step I made for God would wreck and change my life forever.

Fast forward going into the next year, specifically the summer transitioning into middle school, I was with my grandma in Kentucky staying on her sisters farm. While there I would hangout with I guess would be my older cousin? Who knows I didn’t really keep up with relational details of the family cause it can get confusing sometimes am I right lol. Anyway during my time there I was introduced to the darker contents of the adult life(drugs, alcohol,etc.). Of course then I thought it was a privilege for a kid like me to do “adult” things so in my eyes it was cool. Obviously not though. It was at that moment the devil grabbed a foothold and increased in measure the content I would indulge in since then.

Previous to this, in which I forgot to mention, my dad was sent over seas after 9/11 happened and he didn’t return until I think during or after my 9th grade year of high school. So I was saved at the age of 9, dad left for war I think around 2002 or late 2001, during early 2002 my dads dad, my grandfather, passed away, and the years following that until my 9th/10th grade year, whenever my dad came back I didn’t have many male role models and basically developed my identity based on my social group and cultural molding. My mom did the best she could but still didn’t meet the needs or let’s say the void within me from my fathers temporary absence and some of my actions didn’t make it any better. I was a recluse, shut out from the outside letting no one in, drifting in my own world caring little about the outer. But in the midst of all this God was there, patiently waiting for the right moment.

It’s my senior year of high school, church is eh to me little to no interest especially after leaving my first church I was saved at during middle school. I decided to attend a local church close to the high school simply because some friends or people I knew went to. I only attended the youth events but even then I enjoyed my time there. It was different from your typical southern baptist style. It was more well Nazarene. After a small attendance I decided to leave and do “my thing”. Now everything up to this point was fine I never was a horrible person per say but I relatively had a decent head on my shoulders and I was gradually re-building my relationship with my dad no matter how awkward it may have been. Now the turning point in my life where God’s steadfast patience was about to manifest into a purpose driven calling.

After I graduated high school and squandered my first year of college I began to have this sense of lack of purpose in my life. Slowly God has been revealing himself to me but I put it off or ignored most it. Until one day I all of a sudden lost interest in the things I loved to do specifically gaming and in this moment I picked up my bible I got back at the first church I went to. Now before I continue I’ve always had a sense of the unknown I’ve believed in God or at least a form of Him for most of my life I just never truly lived like it. Until this moment with bible in hand I fall to my knees and finally opened up and allowed Him to comfort me  to speak to me and in that moment re-dedicated my life to Him even going as far as selling my entire gaming collection which was a big deal on the count of all the achievements and progress I’ve made till then. I said to God “I want to get as close to you as I possibly can and bring those who are willing with me”. From that moment on He has blessed and shown up in my life more times than I can keep count and has guided me to many wonderful God fearing and loving people who have had a tremendous impact on my life and in helping me realize who I am to God and who He is to me. 

I can go on and on but one thing I want to make clear as to the reasoning in which I desire to be apart of this next journey and chapter which is the World Race is going back to that declaration I made to Him after re-dedicating my life to Him. “To get as close to You as I possibly can and to bring those who are willing with me”. This process includes the intimacy of the Holy Spirit this time. I know of Him but don’t truly know Him. So while I’m ministering and loving those whom He brings before me on this journey I shall truly get to have an authentic, intimate relationship with Holy Spirit in ways far exceeding expectations and imagination. And in the process those I encounter shall experience Him too.

With all that said thank you again for taking the time to read this about me even though this is barely scratching the surface and I tried to keep it as short as possible while hitting on major points. I’ll continue my story as my first post so look forward to that! This is my first time blogging so it’s a new experience for me and defiantly outside my comfort zone since I internalize everything so this will be a new outlet for me and the journey God takes me thru the World Race we can go thru together. I love you all, you’re amazing and dearly loved. I shall to my best to update even before the actual journey begins because really it starts now. So, be blessed and I hope God speaks to you and reveals things to you thru these words and can help you with your walk and journey with Him in life. 



3 responses to “About Me”

  1. I am blessed to be your mom and having the honor to see you go on this journey!
    3 John 1:6, “who testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God.”

  2. Scott! You are a joy. I so loved watching you blossom at training camp. Your morning wake ups were so loving and fatherly. I felt cared for every time I heard them. You took on leadership so naturally and it was awesome to see.

    My favorite line of this was: “”I want to make clear as to the reasoning in which I desire to be apart of this next journey and chapter which is the World Race is going back to that declaration I made to Him after re-dedicating my life to Him. “To get as close to You as I possibly can and to bring those who are willing with me”.” This is such a genuine heart cry and i love that this is what is motivating you. Can’t wait to see what you do with it!

  3. SCOTTY! “Good morning E-Squad!” I love how that is one of my favorite memories of you. You are right, that is only just scratching the surface with you. Over this past month since training camp and how we have begun to speak more via social media I have seen just how wide your heart is. It is so big and just how you can communicate to each one of us so deeply. I value each word you have spoken specifically to me and I thank you for trusting God and taking each step he has led you into.
    Love you Scotty.